How to organise your child’s room

Here are my top tips on how to organise your childs wardrobe and bedroom.


Rotate their clothes depending on the season. If you have the room, store seasonal clothes in storage bags and only have current season clothes hanging and in their drawers.

Swap everything over at the change of season. Use this opportunity to do a mini declutter of items they have grown out of or ones you know they’ll be too big for next year.

  • Use: shelf and drawer organisers or baskets if you have the room.

  • Hang: shirts, dresses, pants, tops, jumpers, jackets.

  • Fold: underwear, shorts and swimwear.

  • Store shoes on shoe racks.


If you have other areas to store toys such as a toyroom, move as much as you can in there to avoid overcrowding the bedroom.

Utilise a cube unit with inserts or a bookshelf in their room to store toys and books.

If there isn’t enough room to store all of their toys and books, utilise baskets or boxes in a wardrobe (if available and has the space) and rotate toys on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.

If you’re still having trouble with finding a home for everything, you may need to go through and choose items to donate or sell with your child. Involve them in the process – kids love to help!

If your child is in school, set up a desk space for them to sit at to do their homework.


Why declutter before you move?


How to organise your linen