Why declutter before you move?

I’m moving, when should I start decluttering?

Decluttering can be done any time! If you know you’re moving, it’s a great idea to start going through each room one by one, and removing what you won’t need in your new home. Examples of things you can get rid before moving of include:

  • Clothes that are old, too small or too big

  • Unwanted gifts

  • Toys or books that your kids have grown out of

  • Unused kitchen appliances and crockery

  • Unused or old linen such as towels, bed sheets and quilt covers

  • Unused or broken/outdate décor, pictures

  • Old or unused/broken appliances such as TV’s, DVD players, computers

 The benefit of decluttering before you move means that you’re not paying to move items you don’t need, and it will reduce the time it takes to pack and unpack. It’s particularly important to declutter prior to moving if you are downsizing.

Ok so I need to declutter, but where do I start?

The best room to start with is any room. It’s really hard to get started because decluttering is not a fun task. However if I was to pick one room that’s the best to start with I’d say the kitchen and pantry. You’ll be surprised how much old and expired food, broken or unused Tupperware, crockery, appliances and utensils you get rid of when you start to go through your kitchen cupboards and drawers!

I’ve started and I’ve lost motivation, now what?

Decluttering can be taxing both physically and emotionally. If you lose motivation remind yourself how much easier it will make both packing and unpacking. It also means a fresh start for you and your family – only taking what you really need and want to your new home.

If you lose motivation while you’re in a particular room, then move on to another area and complete that first. For example, you might get bored decluttering the garage or linen cupboard, but you may enjoy going through items in your own bedroom or your kids bedrooms.

Other tips to keep your motivation levels high include:

  • Opening your windows and blinds for fresh air and natural light

  • Putting on your favourite tunes

  • Grab your favourite hot or cold beverage

  • Ask a friend or family member to help you 

Decluttering and packing is not for me, can I hire someone to help?

Of course you can! There are many benefits or hiring a professional to help you declutter and move:

  • A professional is going to keep you motivated and accountable, so you’re more likely to achieve better results with decluttering if you have someone experienced doing it with you.

  • I haven’t met anyone who likes packing, let alone unpacking. Let someone else handle the stressful and unpleasant task of packing every room in your home, so you can just focus on looking after yourself and your family.

  • Hiring a professional organiser to unpack your belongings in your new home means that a) you don’t have to do it (the best part!) and b) every room will be expertly organised to make the best use of the space available. Having systems in place means it will be super simple and easy for you to maintain.

Click here for information on our pre move declutter and move out / move in service.


Clutter and mental health


How to organise your child’s room